
Showing posts from January, 2023

Word Origins: How the words are born

  Introduction With utmost purity of my mind and heart, I am eager to express my experience, what I have observed while studying the origin and etymology of the different languages around the world.   After the long and tedious work, I have reached on one conclusion that the different languages spoken today in the world originate from a single source i.e. the Sanskrit language.   Often we have heard that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages but we have not gone further to explore the veracity of this general statement.   In this work, I have tried to show how the lakhs of words in different languages have their origin in the Sanskrit dhatus (root words). The common source for the origin of all European languages In the present work, it has been shown etymologically as to how all European languages have evolved from Sanskrit. The etymologists do agree that all the European languages have originated from a common source but the evidence for this was found neither in Greek nor Latin