
Showing posts from June, 2022

Origin and etymology of the Latin word 'Ignis'.

T he Sanskrit word Agni  अग्नि meaning fire is the origin of Latin word "ignis" and also a number of other words in different languages round the world having same or derived meanings. It has been already stated in my previous blogs that the Sanskrit root words known as dhatus are the building blocks of thousands of words in almost all the languages of the world.  It is on these basic building blocks that all these languages have developed over the years. The very basic words denoting the close human relationships like mother,  father,  brother , sister etc, the countable numbers like one, two, three, four and so on, and the words used to denote very basic human necessities like water, fire etc are all derived from these Sanskrit dhatus . Sanskrit is an eternal language.  It has no aadi (  beginning).  When this language was first started to be used is not known precisely.  The development of the later languages round the world from the eternal Sanskrit language, the languag

Origin and etymology of the word "God"

  Origin and etymology of the word "God" The Supreme Being in the Christian belief is the God. The present day English language word ‘God’ derives from the old English word "god" and  is  akin to  Old Frisian ( a West Germanic  language  spoken between the 8th and 16th centuries).   Old Saxon and   Medieval Dutch has a  variant got.  The word used in Dutch is god. In Old High German and Middle High German languages, it was got, in German it became Gott, in Gothic guth and in Old Norse goth and guth.   Originally, this word "guth" meant ‘the (one, the being, hence the deity) invoked’.  The leading etymologist  Eric Partridge  in his work " Origins : A short etymological Dictionary of English" cited the work of  M.O’C.Walshe "a  Concise German Etymological  Dictionary, 1952" and had a opinion that   the word "ghūta" has been derived from the Sanskrit word  hūta   meaning “invoked” (deity)', huta being the past participle o

Origin and etymology of the English words "Padre, pattern, repair, patriot, pope, patron, perpetrator, patriarchy" come from the Sanskrit word "pitṛ पितृ" meaning father.

Origin and etymology of the English words "Padre, pattern, repair,  patriot, pope, patron, perpetrator, patriarchy". All the above words come from the Sanskrit word "pitṛ पितृ". T he Sanskrit word "pitṛ पितृ" meaning father is the origin of the words in different languages having same or derived meanings as explained below. It can be asserted that round the world, all words used to address a father has their root in pitṛ पितृ directly or through derivation. It is interesting that the words like padre, Pope , papal etc which are related to Christianity, an Abrahamic faith opposed to the principles of the Sanatana Dharma, also find their origin in the Sanskrit word pitṛ पितृ. The ancient Latin and Greek word "pater" directly derived from pitṛ पितृ became the foundation of a large number of words in different languages round the world having the same meaning. Latin pater  is base for words like fatherhood; fatherless; fatherly, fatherliness, go

Origin and etymology of the English words "Mother, metro, mama, matrix, matriculate, matron, matter, material, materialism" come from the Sanskrit word "mātṛ मातृ" .

  Origin and etymology of the English words "Mother, mama, matrix, matriculate, matron, matter, material, materialism". Sanskrit is the mother of all languages.  All languages ancient as well as modern, are derived from this Vedic language. This platform explores how the entire world at one time in the past was practicing the Vedic Sanatana Dharma.  Their philosophy and practices were inspired from the Vedas.  Sanskrit is the language of expression of the Vedic thoughts.  A little effort is required and the etymological influence of Sanskrit over all the languages can be seen clearly. Now, coming back to the Sanskrit  word   mātṛ, all the above mentioned English words come from the word mātṛ meaning mother. A linguistic evidence of the Sanatana World . This platform explores the evidence of "the Sanatana World” linguistically.  It has been a privilege for me to introduce such a peculiar work before the readers.   As far as I know, not much effort has been made in this f