
Origin of the word Ghadr or Gadar.

  Ghadar is a  Punjabi/Urdu word derived from Arabic.   It generally means revolt/rebellion or mutiny.  It is often spelled as Ghadr or Gadar. To find its origin, we have go into the Islamic history.   The battle of Badr in Saudi Arabia was a major military victory that had a great prestige in the minds of the Islamists.   This battle marked a turning point for the early Muslim  community  ( ummah ). Earlier they used to have a somewhat defensive stance toward the local tribes in the region.   Now, after the victory of Badr, their stance was of aggression and expansion. The battle damaged  Meccan  trade and boosted the morale of the  ummah  as a viable force in its pursuit of control of the that area.   With the spread of the Islamists to the other parts of the world, the word Badr used to be associated with the fierce war and pandemonium.   With the passage of time, this word Badr got corrupted and used to be pronounced as Gadr or Gadar. So, it is quite interesting that the word Gad

Vedic roots of the Mitanni Empire

  Vedic roots of the Mitanni Empire   1. Introduction The Mittanni empire stretched to the present-day northern Iraq, Syria and Turkey and flourished around 1500 BCE. The capital of Mitanni was Washukanni, located on the the River Habur, a tributary of the Euphrates. The Assyrians knew this kingdom as Hanigalbat   (also Khanigalbat, Hani-Rabbat), and the Hittites referred to these people as the Huri and their territory as the land of the Huri (or Hurri) and land of the  Hurrians . To the east, the Mitanni bordered with the Hurrian-speaking Kassites whose territory corresponds to present-day Kurdistan. The lands of the Mitanni in northern Syria bordered eastern Anatolia to its west and extended east as far as Nuzi (present-day Kirkuk, Iraq) and the river Tigris in the east. In the south, it extended from Aleppo across to Mari on the Euphrates to the east.   Its heartland was the Khabur river region, where Wassukkani, its capital, was located. The name Wassuukk

The Sanskrit word vaśā वशा is the origin of English word vaccine.

The Sanskrit word  vaśā वशा means  a cow.  This word is is  especially  used for a barren cow. The Sanskrit word  vaśā became vacci-/ vaccini-/vaccino- and the English word  vaccine, vaccination etc .  Vacci  denotes ‘a cow’  or ‘cows’ and it comes from Middle Latin  vacca meaning   a cow.  The other words formed are: VACCINATE. Vaccicide ( the  killing of a cow (or of cows), vaccigenous ( vaccine-producing); vaccinifer ( a person—or an animal—that constitutes a source of vaccine). As mentioned above, the origin of the word 'vaccine' is the Sanskrit word  vaśā meaning a cow.  Therefore, it is not surprising that the the 'calf serum' is being used for making the vaccines for the past many decades since the modern science started manufacturing the vaccines.  This facts finds support in the following news report published in a reputed magazine 'Business Today'.  This report was highlighted by many other publications during the covid period. To investigate further,

German airline Lufthansa derives its name from Sanskrit words lupta लुप्त and haṃsa हंस

  German airline Lufthansa derives its name from Sanskrit words  lupta  लुप्त and  ha ṃ sa  हंस The Sanskrit word lupta  लुप्त  in the sense of highly elevated/disappeared  became  Middle English   lofte  (air, sky, upper region),  Old English   loft / lyft ,   Old Norse   lopt  (upper chamber, attic), Proto Germanic   luftuz  (air / sky) ,  Scots   lift ,  Dutch   lucht  (air),  German   Luft  (air),  and  English   lift ,  loft and  aloft .  L upta  लुप्त   combined with  haṃsa  हंस   ( a swan ) is the name of German airline Lufthansa.  In all these words, the sound change taking place is  pa to fa .

Word Origins: How the words are born

  Introduction With utmost purity of my mind and heart, I am eager to express my experience, what I have observed while studying the origin and etymology of the different languages around the world.   After the long and tedious work, I have reached on one conclusion that the different languages spoken today in the world originate from a single source i.e. the Sanskrit language.   Often we have heard that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages but we have not gone further to explore the veracity of this general statement.   In this work, I have tried to show how the lakhs of words in different languages have their origin in the Sanskrit dhatus (root words). The common source for the origin of all European languages In the present work, it has been shown etymologically as to how all European languages have evolved from Sanskrit. The etymologists do agree that all the European languages have originated from a common source but the evidence for this was found neither in Greek nor Latin