
Showing posts from December, 2022

Let us wait for the logical new year

  Let us wait for the logical new year Today, we are following a calendar in which the months are of unequal size.   Months like July and August have 31 days whereas February has only 28 or 29.   These months have no relationship to change in the phases of the moon.   The New Years Day falls on January 1.  Very few of us know that this system of measuring the time is only 400 years old.  The present calendar was not adopted in England and its colonies until 1752.  Prior to this all the major ancient civilizations were using the year very systematically based on the change in the phases of the moon and the transition of the sun; and the new year was celebrated around 25th March every year.   The classical approach for the measurement of time   As stated above, prior to the above change made around 400 years ago, all the classical civilizations were following their calendars that were based upon the change in the phases of the sun or moon.   The creation is cyclic in nature and s