
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Vedic Sanatana roots of the Mitanni Empire

Vedic roots of the Mitanni Empire 1. Introduction   The Mittanni empire stretched to the present-day northern Iraq, Syria  and Turke y  flourished around 1500 BCE.  The capital of Mitanni was Washukanni, located on the the River Habur, a tributary of the Euphrates. The Assyrians knew this kingdom as Hanigalbat   (also Khanigalbat, Hani-Rabbat), and the Hittites referred to these people as the Huri and their territory as the land of the Huri (or Hurri) and land of the  Hurrians . To the east, the Mitanni bordered with the Hurrian-speaking Kassites whose territory corresponds to present-day Kurdistan. The lands of the Mitanni in northern Syria bordered eastern Anatolia to its west and extended east as far as Nuzi (present-day Kirkuk, Iraq) and the river Tigris in the east. In the south, it extended from Aleppo across to Mari on the Euphrates to the east.   Its heartland was the Khabur river region, where Wass

The proto-Indo-European (PIE) - An imaginary language

  How and why the PIE language was invented By working on the  antiquity of various languages and after evaluation of the patterns related to the sound shifts, the western historians and linguists labored hard to invent the PIE language.  They constructed the grammar and the vocabulary for this newly invented PIE language.  The location of the homeland of the PIE speaking people was assumed somewhere in Ukraine/southern Russia in and around the Caucasus in the European continent. Now with the invention of this hypothetical PIE language, it was somewhat easier t o explain the reason for the similarity between the Sanskrit and the European languages.   It was proposed by them that these PIE speaking people spread from their European PIE homeland to other parts of Europe and Asia. The concept of the PIE homeland in Europe and then the spread of the PIE speaking people to other parts of the world also served the colonial purposes.   Based on the premise of this PIE homeland and subsequ

The proto-Indo-European language

  The idea behind the creation of  a proto language When India was colonized by the Britishers, many scholars and academicians from the Europe came here with them.   Their task was clearly spelt out.   With a view to rule over India for a prolonged time, they had to devise a strategy so as not to appear hostile or against to the native people here.   They could not risk to do so.   They were quite handful and the native population here was large in numbers.   Also, they had to appear liberal and the one who have colonized the Indian subcontinent for the purpose of civilizing the backward and uncultured native people living here.  This was the justification given by the western imperialists for the colonization of the whole world. Therefore, to meet out their objectives, they started the study of the language, the culture and the traditions of the Indians.   When these historians and linguists had interaction with the Sanatana philosophy (the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Sad darshanas