
Showing posts from July, 2022

Avestic (or Zend)/Old Persian/Arabic languages are all derived from Sanskrit

  In the picture above, the women are celebrating the Parsi new year called Nowruz.  Nowruz is derived from Nava meaning new in Sanskrit.  The Sanskrit language was being spoken at not so distant past in the region of Paras, present day Iran, Iraq.  Not only this, this language can be traced to the origin of the languages spoken in the entire Arab region as is demonstrated below. The Vedic Sanatana civilization was being practiced in this part of the world also.  Their philosophy and the practice of worshiping the forces of nature was similar to the one practiced  in Vedic Sanatana dharma.  Though this region is now largely identified with the abrahamic religions but the signs of Sanatana civilizations can be found abundantly.  In the above pictures, the native people of this region celebrate their ancient festival of Nowruz or new year.  This festival coincides with the Sanatana new year commencing first month of Chaitra (March-April) each year.  The Yava (Java) or barley seeds ar